Build Time: 2236 Hours
Flying & Maintenance Time: 1693 Hours
Builders Log
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Firewall Forward [154 Hours]
| [April 3, 2008] | [3.5 Hours] Made and mounted battery tray | | [May 9, 2008] | [0.5 Hours] Installed brake resevoir; started making doubler | | [May 10, 2008] | [5 Hours] Installed master and starter solenoid | | [May 12, 2008] | [2 Hours] Made fuel line doubler; misc stuff | | [May 18, 2008] | [2 Hours] Finished battery box | | [May 21, 2008] | [3 Hours] Installed heater box and parking brake valve | | [May 24, 2008] | [1 Hour] Misc Stuff | | [May 28, 2008] | [2 Hours] Installed ground block and current limiter base | | [June 3, 2008] | [4 Hours] Riveted Recess, Mounted battery tray, electrical stuff, heater bypass and brake reservoir | | [June 18, 2008] | [3.5 Hours] Messed around with prop governor | | [June 22, 2008] | [3 Hours] Installed prop governor and other engine fittings | | [June 27, 2008] | [2 Hours] HUNG THE ENGINE! | | [June 29, 2008] | [2 Hours] Installed alternator, fuel controller, inside brake lines. | | [June 30, 2008] | [2 Hours] Hung exhaust, measured a bunch of hoses | | [July 11, 2008] | [2 Hours] Installed Propeller, started cowl work | | [July 21, 2008] | [2 Hours] Fit top cowl | | [October 23, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Fuel controller / mixture arm | | [October 24, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Fiberglassed mixture arm bump-out in cowl | | [October 25, 2008] | [1 Hour] Worked on mixture arm bump-out in cowl some more | | [October 29, 2008] | [1 Hour] Made firewall hole for mixture cable | | [October 30, 2008] | [3 Hours] Made firewall holes for throttle and prop cables | | [October 31, 2008] | [2 Hours] Riveted bottom of firewall, worked on camlock backing plates | | [November 1, 2008] | [2 Hours] Installed some camlocks | | [November 2, 2008] | [2 Hours] Installed more camlocks, fiberglass work | | [November 3, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Finished camlock install; Misc other stuff | | [November 4, 2008] | [1 Hour] Cut cowl inlets for intake rings | | [November 5, 2008] | [2 Hours] Glassed intake rings to cowl | | [November 6, 2008] | [3 Hours] Intake ring work | | [November 10, 2008] | [4 Hours] Started Filtered Air Box (FAB) | | [November 11, 2008] | [4 Hours] More FAB work | | [November 12, 2008] | [1 Hour] Modified FAB box | | [November 13, 2008] | [2 Hours] Reshaped the top of the FAB | | [November 14, 2008] | [2 Hours] Drilled top of FAB, started glassin' the FAB | | [November 15, 2008] | [4 Hours] More FAB glass, glassed in air inlet ring | | [November 25, 2008] | [1 Hour] Sanded FAB | | [December 4, 2008] | [1.5 Hours] Layed up some more fiberglass on the FAB | | [December 5, 2008] | [1.5 Hours] Sanded and sanded and sanded the FAB | | [December 11, 2008] | [3 Hours] Installed filter bypass on FAB | | [December 12, 2008] | [3 Hours] Heat muff and exhaust hangers | | [December 13, 2008] | [3 Hours] Finished exhaust, frabricated top cowl hinge latch | | [December 16, 2008] | [2 Hours] Finished FAB! | | [December 17, 2008] | [3 Hours] In-Fuselage cowl hinge insertion | | [December 19, 2008] | [1 Hour] Started transducer manifold. | | [December 20, 2008] | [2 Hours] Ran brake lines | | [December 24, 2008] | [3 Hours] Breather tube; Fuel pump vent | | [December 27, 2008] | [4 Hours] Fuel line and control cable routing | | [December 29, 2008] | [1 Hour] Secured bottom of breather tube | | [January 8, 2009] | [1.25 Hours] Added adel clamp to in-cowl pin tubes | | [January 9, 2009] | [2 Hours] Installed fuel pressure, oil pressure and manifold pressure hoses | | [January 16, 2009] | Got the right fuel line! | | [February 4, 2009] | [0.25 Hours] Attached oil and manifold pressure lines to firewall | | [February 8, 2009] | [2 Hours] Installed firewall pass-thru's | | [March 25, 2009] | [2 Hours] Mounted EMAG | | [April 6, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Installed oil temp sensor and CHT probes | | [April 7, 2009] | [2 Hours] Installed oil cooler hoses onto engine | | [April 16, 2009] | [10 Hours] EGT probes, Oil cooler hoses, fuel hose, EMAG wires | | [April 29, 2009] | [2 Hours] Started wiring P-LEAD for left magneto | | [April 30, 2009] | [2 Hours] Finisghed wiring p-lead; put connector on oil temp sensor | | [June 5, 2009] | [8 Hours] Mounted baffles, mounted oil cooler; ran mag wires | | [June 6, 2009] | [2 Hours] EGT/CHT connectors, holes in exhaust | | [June 8, 2009] | [2 Hours] Dressed up EGT/CHT probe wire started bottom baffle rods | | [June 16, 2009] | [4 Hours] Fabricated GPS antenna tray | | [June 17, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Mounted GPS tray | | [September 14, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Installed EMAG/Top spark plug terminated wires |
Cowling [72.5 Hours]
| [July 22, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Trimmed aft of top cowling, drilled top hinge | | [July 23, 2008] | [2 Hours] Worked on final fitting of top cowl | | [July 25, 2008] | [2 Hours] Drilled top cowling to hinge | | [July 27, 2008] | [1 Hour] Started fitting bottom cowl | | [August 12, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] More work on bottom cowl | | [August 13, 2008] | [3 Hours] Bottom cowl trimming | | [August 15, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Even more bottom cowl work,,, | | [August 16, 2008] | [7 Hours] Finished mounting bottom cowl! | | [August 20, 2008] | [2 Hours] Cut oil door | | [August 25, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Made metal oil door | | [August 26, 2008] | [2 Hours] Bevelled firewall hinge | | [August 29, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Installed hinges for oil door | | [September 13, 2008] | [6 Hours] Finished oil door, Cowl work, Installed belly antennas | | [September 14, 2008] | [4 Hours] Worked on front cowl | | [September 16, 2008] | [3 Hours] Filled gear leg gaps | | [October 20, 2008] | [1 Hour] Finished off bottom cowl camlock backing strips | | [October 21, 2008] | [1 Hour] Worked on interference with mixture arm | | [December 5, 2008] | [0.25 Hours] Vent tube interference with subpanel | | [April 6, 2009] | [2 Hours] Fixed side hinge binding | | [May 4, 2009] | [1 Hour] Filled in some space between the hinge and cowl | | [May 5, 2009] | [2 Hours] Prepping cowl for hinges to be riveted | | [May 11, 2009] | [3.5 Hours] Riveted hinges to cowl | | [May 12, 2009] | [2.5 Hours] Started sealing bottom cowl | | [May 14, 2009] | [2 Hours] Sanded bottom cowl | | [May 20, 2009] | [0.5 Hours] More bottom cowl sealing work | | [May 25, 2009] | [6 Hours] Lots of odds and ends. | | [May 26, 2009] | [3 Hours] More sanding of the bottom cowl - started sealing top cowl | | [June 2, 2009] | [2 Hours] More top cowl sealing | | [June 16, 2009] | [0.25 Hours] Painted top cowl | | [June 17, 2009] | [1 Hour] Installed oil door |
Baffles [63.5 Hours]
| [November 5, 2008] | [1 Hour] Started Baffles | | [November 9, 2008] | [3.5 Hours] Deburred Baffles | | [November 10, 2008] | [1 Hour] Finished deburring baffles | | [November 15, 2008] | [1.5 Hours] Worked on more baffle assembly | | [November 21, 2008] | [2.5 Hours] Started fitting baffles to engine | | [November 23, 2008] | [1 Hour] Fitting aft baffles | | [November 24, 2008] | [3 Hours] Fitted side and front baffles | | [November 25, 2008] | [1.5 Hours] Made some inlet fiberglass adapters | | [November 28, 2008] | [2 Hours] Messed around with inlet adapters | | [November 29, 2008] | [3.5 Hours] Started fitting inlet adapters to baffles | | [November 30, 2008] | [7 Hours] Got the intake adapter to work. Trimmed baffles | | [December 1, 2008] | [3.5 Hours] Made baffle for above right intake; started left intake | | [February 2, 2009] | [2 Hours] Worked on fitting plenum | | [February 3, 2009] | [1 Hour] Figured out plenum fit | | [February 9, 2009] | [2.5 Hours] Temporarily attached the plenum to the baffles. | | [February 12, 2009] | [3 Hours] Fiberglassed extension onto rear of plenum | | [February 13, 2009] | Plenum Fiberglass bumpout finished | | [February 16, 2009] | [0.5 Hours] Made plenum screw alignment tool | | [February 17, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Drilled plenum sides to baffles | | [February 20, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Modified front left plenum intake | | [February 22, 2009] | [2 Hours] Drilled oil cooler doubler to rear baffle | | [February 23, 2009] | [3.5 Hours] Glassed front left intake | | [March 26, 2009] | [3 Hours] Worked on right rear baffles | | [March 29, 2009] | [2 Hours] Riveted together left rear baffle Oil cooler work | | [April 1, 2009] | [3 Hours] Glassed right intake | | [April 6, 2009] | [1 Hour] Glassed front right intake | | [April 16, 2009] | [2 Hours] Added some filler to the plenum | | [April 30, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Fixed problem with oil cooler baffle interference | | [May 4, 2009] | [1 Hour] Cut hole for left spark plug wire passthrough | | [June 10, 2009] | [1.5 Hours] Finished Baffles |