For whatever reason the front of the cowl under the spinner isn't lining up all that great. This cowl is like the ultimate puzzle. You move one piece, all the other pieces move on ya. OK, well I figured out the dilemma of the front not lining up. Since the sides aren't prefectly even, the bottom bows out, causing the center to pucker in. I duct taped the top cowl pretty good, but in the end I needed to put another cleco on the top to keep it back. That seemed to do the trick. I trimmed the bottom and marked three holes for camlocks. I drilled two of the holes to the 050 backing place. One more side done....all I have left is the bottom cowl sides and where the top and bottom attach. With every side that is attached to the fuselage, the cowl gets easier to work with.
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |