[March 22, 2007]

I was all ready to prime tonight, but then it started raining! Luckily it was only a drizzle before the bulk of the system rolled through, so I got priming as fast as possible. A lot of real estate was needed tonight to accommodate everything. I turned my workbench into a priming table for the spars.

All of the other small stuff went on my 1x6

My roller table came in handy for the bottom skins. I masked off the top of the skin to make sure that I primed both sides of the spar.

Finally, the top skins. These were a major pain trying to get primer in the trailing edge. Thank god I have been too lazy to open the fuselage box - it made a nice priming rack. I really lucked out again tonight by mixing the perfect amount of primer. I know it was 8 ladle's worth of primer all together, which I think is about 8oz. I don't know exactly how much fluid the ladle holds.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024