[March 23, 2007]

I spent most of tonight finishing the prep work on the flaps. I devinyled the outside skins, then deburred the holes and finally dimpled everything.

Van's is really vague on the assembly of the flaps. They tell you to cleco the skins and spars and put them in a V-jig. First thing first, the rear skin/spar needs to be riveted to the ribs.

I got a lot of deformation on the rib when I riveted it to the rear skin-spar. Maybe the shop head should go on the outside to avoid this. I was able to fix it a little, but it still looks terrible. I am not going to worry about it. Its only function is to keep the rear spar from bending over, and that ain't going to happen. Other than cosmetic, this is fine.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024