[March 21, 2007]

While at work today, I ran across a classified as for brand new set of 5 point hooker harnesses (rotary latch). After negotiating the price with the seller, I committed to buying them. I think I got a pretty good deal, and it will be nice to have them for the fuselage construction to get the crotch belt mounted properly.

Funny story related to this buy - while having dinner with my girlfriend, I told her I bought two hookers. She gave me this terrible look -- Like she actually believed me. Turns out, one of my buddies is getting married in about 2 months and she thought that I bought him a round with two prostitutes for his gift! We got a good laugh out of it.

Anyways, when I got home I finished deburring the flap skins and then alumiprep'd and dried everything off. There's a bunch of parts for these flaps - 4 skins, 12 ribs, 2 spars, 10 spacers and 4 pieces of thick angle/stiffeners.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024