[February 1, 2007]

I was looking at my building stats, and last month I put in 77 hours on the project - the most yet. Unfortunately, I don't feel like I have a lot to show for it. Most of January was spent working on fuel tanks, which aren't the most rewarding things in the world. These wings are nothing like the empennage was. With the empennage, I was blowing out a completed assembly in 2-3 weeks. Lots of instant gratification. The wings are a totally different story. I am looking at the skeleton of the wing, and it looks identical to how it did over 2 months ago. Everyone else I talk to about the wings complains about the same thing. One of those thing you just have to work through, even though every day the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't seem to get any closer.

Anyways, by the time I took care of business around the house, I only had about an hour left in the night to burn out in thr garage. I was able to finish up the spar countersinking and started dimpling the ribs. Dimpling the ribs is a welcome change to countersinking and deburring. I was amazed at how fast I was able to blow through one side of a wing -- about 10-15 minutes!


Last Modified: June 24, 2024