[February 5, 2007]

I wasted this past weekend stuck laying down. Some way I threw out my neck Friday morning and it didn't fix itself until later on Sunday. Why can't these things happen during the work week. Anyways, I am more or less fixed and back working on the project.

Anyways, while at work, my LED shipment came in for my LED strobe R&D. I couldn't wait until I got home from work to try them out, so I wired and fired them up at work during my lunch break. With only ONE of the LED's hooked up, it left a spot in my eyes! I need to get some more prototyping material to make a mock up and also work on a program to flash them at different rates and duty cycles to hone in on what works best.

I has been downright cold this week - the coldest this year. I decided to get a portable propane heater for a number of reasons. Home Depot had a sale on all of their heaters to blow them out, so I picked up a 50,000/85,000 BTU heater for a good deal. Tonight I put her to use to bring up the temp in the garage. In about 30 minutes I doubled the temp from 24 to 50...on the low setting! This guy puts out some serious heat. I turned this guy off and used the electric to maintain it for the rest of the night. In fact, the electric heater couldn't even maintain 50. It could only hold 44! I plan to use this also to heat up the top skins before I install them. I read some article from a DAR that spoke about if you rivet on the wing skins when they are bitter cold, they could oilcan when the temp heat up (and the skin expands). Makes sense. Another local builder also did the same.

Next I dimpled all of the remaining ribs and the top of the rear spar. I ran out of time before I could slam out the bottom when I ran into this issue - the interference of the rib flange with the flange of the bottom of the rear spar. I supposed I should of dimpled these before I riveted on the rear spar. What I tried instead on this one intersection was dimpling it in place. Seemed to work fine, and I can't see any issues with it. I don't really know of any good alternative, other than countersinking the rear spar.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024