[September 28, 2019]

My friend bought a lot at Long Island Airpart (NC26) (North of Charlotte, NC) and invited a bunch of us down to spend the night there and parking in the parties. My attempt to launch early was thwarted by low ceilings. When I originally woke up, KDMW as MVFR at 1,000' ceiling, but quickly went IFR down to 600'.

I loaded the airplane and preflighted in hopes of the weather changing. Not so lucky. I hung out in the FBO and waited for the ceilings to lift. At a little before noon KDMW went MVFR. It was actually much better than the METAR painted - large holes of beautiful blue skies were all over the place. I blasted off and immediately climbed up to 4,500' with ease. While this screenshot does show KDMW as IFR, it's only because ADS-B was behind in it's weather updates.

Trip down was super simple. Get around DC airspace and it was a straight shot.

Cool and smooth up at 4,500'/

Some convective clouds were off to the west and not moving very quick.

My flight path took me right down the Blue Ridge mountains. Quite the nice view for a majority of the trip.

Blue Ridge Parkway - I'll take the view from up here!!!

Weather worked out in my favor the entire trip down.

I ran into the pilot/owner of this helicopter at Triple Tree.

After the fly in was over, we all gathered at my friends hangar for some tasty adult beverages.

NC26 is a slice of heaven. Great friendly people.

The real party started at sunset and went into the late hours with live music and dancing.

When the main party winded down, we were invited to another house for some a dip in the pool.

They cranked up the firepit to warm up everyone after the pool. These people know how to have a good time!

My accommodations for the night. Not as nice as a proper bed, but the price was right and it's better than setting up a tent!

On the way back I stopped by Greensboro, NC and spent a couple hours catching up with my college friend. On my way out I performed a personal "airshow" for his 5 year old daughter. I was told she thoroughly enjoyed it and wants to get a ride with me the next time I am in town.

The trip home was as simple as the trip down. I am really getting spoiled by this amazing east coast weather we've had recently. I've been able to make every event I have wanted to attend. The only real loser is my credit card statement with the amount of 100LL I've bought! I find it's better not to do the math.....



Last Modified: June 24, 2024