[September 22, 2019]

The weather on the East Coast has been incredible this month. Every single day has been a great day to fly. Low winds, high (if any) clouds, unlimited vis. Today was no exception. The Smokehouse Pilots Club out of Leesburg, VA was off to Arnold Palmer Airport (KLBE) in Latrobe, PA (home of Rolling Rock beer!). I took an indirect route to get there for two reasons - one to fly over my buddies house, and then to meet up with some of the RV's out of Leesburg for some formation.

Mark, Jim and I flew a combination of a delta and echelon on the way out. All of my formation pics are going to be from afar - while in tight formation it's just too dangerous for the pilot to take pictures and fly.

Enroute we all realized we were overflying the 9/11 Flight 93 National Memorial.

We had a good crowd show up! Lots of good guys (those being RV pilots and RV builder, of course!).

The restaurant at the airport had an incredible buffet brunch for $21. I highly recommend this airport for a lunch stop.

Panoramic of a lot of airport talk happening!

Mark flew lead on the way back. We went up to 7500' for the smooth and cool air.

Mark snapped a good video of us flying in a left echelon. Jim's red RV8 clearly stole the show!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024