[September 14, 2019]

There were a number of local flyins in the MD - PA - DE- VA area this weekend. However, the FlashMob out of Plymouth, MA had plans that blew every other weekend plan out of the water - come up to Crow Island, party with Captain John on his birthday, and have a free place to stay for the night. No brainer, right? My RV8 friend, Jim from Leesburg, VA agreed and flew up to meet me at KDMW so we could go together. Ceilings were low-ish at 2500'.

About an hour into the flight the ceilings lifted slightly and we had a great direct crosswind of 27 kts.

ZOOMIN' at 180 kts.

Along the route there was some MFVR and showers, but pretty much a clear shot for us.

Landed at 8MA4 - Crow Island for their pancake breakfast. This was a delightful airport. Check out the "Little Green Monster" scoreboard on the side of the hangar.

Off to Plymouth we went. I found this RIDICULOUS polyester sportscoat at my friend Mitch's apartment.

Yes, this pic has been taking a few dozen times....but who can resist it leaving the world famous Pillory Pub???

My friend Jim is a man of few words. Even fewer were said at his awe of the mighty Plymouth Rock at low tide.

Plymouth Harbor nearing sunset. It's a magical place.

I promise I pay them all handsomely to pretend to look this happy in a pic with me.

Jim and I were a little slow moving this morning for unknown reasons. Luckily we woke up to a perfect flying day. We hugged the northern shore of the Long Island sound all of the way down to NYC.

Jim had never flown down the Hudson River exclusion SFRA, so I decided to show him what it was all about.

We were very lucky and didn't have that much traffic to contend with.

2.5 hours on the way back with a slight headwind and a detour around NYC. This is another example of a trip that would otherwise be impossible without an RV. What a great machine, and a great group of friends it has introduced me to.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024