CJ, Markham and I didn't rush to get to Oshkosh too quickly today. We figured we were only about 30 min away, and neither one of us felt like rushing to get there since there would likely be a mad rush of people to get there in the morning. So we launched about 10:45am hoping we would arrive after the insanity subsided. As we approached Oshkosh we heard there was a hold on Green Lake that was being "set free" CJ and I headed towards the south-west end of Green Lake to follow the congo-line in. We must of lucked out because no more inbound aircraft were coming in and we flew the normal RIPON/FISK approach. This was the first time we have ever flown a formation flight of 2 into Osh. We figured it would give us guaranteed parking next to each other, and be easier on the controllers as it's one less airplane to deal with. It was actually one of the easiest approached to Oshkosh I've ever flown. We got probably the best parking spot I've every had at Osh in the south-west corner. Super close walk to literally everything at the show. Our flight path from KUES to OSH. We originally were headed direct RIPON until we listened to approach and changed our course to follow the traffic out of the Green Lake hold. Dare I curse myself and say I have never been in a hold into Osh???? On the ground we were immediately greeted by our friend Bill who let CJ and I have a ride on his scooter. Bill was a a little concerned when CJ went missing with his scooter for a solid 15 minutes. We didn't waste much time after setting up camp to break out the beers we brought for the Oshkosh Beer Tasting we missed due to weather. Captain John was nice enough to bring a few hundred "Sleeping Bag Challenge" coozie's for all that wanted one. If you have one of these Gem's, and do not know the story, please reach out to me!!! I had one major goal for the day. Get registered for camping. So happened along the way the RV5 was on display. Before I knew it, the Beer Fairy event was underway! my friends Mitch, Derek, Mike and Rich had a nice chat with Van. I caught up with my buddy Rick from Richmond. Before I knew it, Mitch and I were at SOS brothers getting a Bikini Beer Bong from my friend Karina. I ran into my good friend Arie and his son Kian from South Africa. They make the journey to Oshkosh every 2 years. Arie and I are two pees in a pod. For good or bad...I haven't determined yet. It's always an amazing time when I hang out with him. I. Am. Having. An. Amazing. Time! Karina along with the other lovely ladies at SOS always take care of my friends and I at Osh. Always great to catch up with my non-pilot friends also when coming out to Osh. Hyde has been performing on Monday nights for as long as I can remember. They certainly didn't let us down this year.
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Last Modified: June 24, 2024 |