[August 13, 2017]

Smoketown Airport's (S37) annual fly-in was scheduled to be yesterday, however, it was postponed due to weather. I try not to miss this fly-in - this airport knows how to put on a flyin and usually attracts a good crowd. The flight over was somewhat eventful - a bird smacked into me a little after takeoff. I saw a group of 3 birds right before they hit me - no time to react.

Luckily it was a very small bird and did no damage to the canopy. I'm certain more damage was done to my shorts!

Cleanup was relatively easy. A few feathers entered into the cockpit - I think the propeller struck the bird first, causing a slight explosion of feathers, of which, some got sucked in the NACA vent on the side.

With that excitement out of the way, time to check out some airplanes. This was a nice AirCam with 912is engines.

Bill Cloughley's RV-7. When I ran into Bill at Oshkosh, he said I needed to check out his polish job. I didn't have a chance at Osh, but I sure did today. Spectacular!

This Citabria had about as good of a paint scheme as I've ever seen on a Citabria.

I've seen this RV-12 at a few local flyin's. I haven't yet had the opportunity to catch up with its owner.

We stuck around for the flower bombing competition and the landing competition before heading off bacvk home. What a great day it turned out for the flyin - much better than last year where it was about 100 degrees! This year it was comfortable in the low 80's.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024