Everyday I wake up a consider myself one of the luckiest SOB's out there. Why? Because I have some of the best friends around the world who ask nothing of me. Until today - My Chicago friends who have put me up a number of times at their downtown flat, along with their Wisconsin lake house asked me to come out to Chicago to help them with electrical work on their new house. I loaded the RV up with some atypical supplied (as opposed to a baggage area full of beer). Well, maybe one 6-pack of the world's best Pilsner which just recently became distributed in Baltimore - Rothause Tannenzepfle! If you've never experienced this beer and see if in a beer store, please do yourself a favor and thank me later! Post-Tropical Cyclone Hermine was working itself up the east coast and caused some super weather for my trip. The trip plan was like you've seen me plan many times before. Except time time without any reason to divert for weather. It was spectacular weather all in the midwest, and planned to stay this way for the entire weekend! Even though it will be a tough weekend of work, which most of you know I am typically allergic to, I was happy to finally be able to give a lending hand. Seriously, the weather could not be better! 20 MPG! This is what my RV love is all about. Plus 7.7 GPH is now a new normal cruising fuel flow thanks to my new fuel line insulation. My CHT's for the #2 cylinder started to act up over the OH/WV line. Rapid increases and decreases. Speaking of great friends, I was texting my good friend and A&P, Mitch, with what was going on. He gave some good suggestions for what could be causing it. We came to the conclusion it was most likely a bad CHT probe on #2. You can't beat in the air diagnostics! #2 CHT would rapidly gain and loose 10-20 degrees in a matter of seconds. No way a cylinder could heat and cool at this rate. Over OH it was simply beautiful. With a 15 kts tailwind heading west! Approaching the southern tip of Lake Michigan. Yeah, this is definitely a crappy CHT sensor. look at that rapid change. 21.1 MPG! 27.4 gallons to get from KDMW to 06C (Schaumburg Regional Airport, IL). Schaumburg is uncontrolled, and only $12/night to park, with the first night waved if you fill up with fuel. This was my challenge that I accepted - new GFCI outlets, conduit, etc. This was the before picture, of course. The end product looked phenomenal. While I'd like to say it was all work, I had a great time with my Chicago friends while I wasn't working. The mighty fine people at Schaumburg were nice enough to wave my parking fees for the 3 nights I was there. At first they gave me the stink-eye as I walked int he FBO with two arms full of tools. The great line guy who helped me park and carted me to the FBO on Friday vouched that I was worthy of getting back to my plane. After I chatted them up telling them my stories of weekend work, they decided I was really never there and ripped up any evidence. What a great airport, and even better people. This is my go-to airport the next time I come to down. Non-towered, great people, and close to the Metra train to take you downtown. Around Chicago the scattered clouds were around 3,000'. I didn't mind too much, WeatherMeister predicted a nice tailwind down low on the way home. This quarry always blows my mind with the freeway going right over it. CHT's were fine on the way back. This lake was alive with Labor Day boating fun. I particularly liked the island with homes on it! One of the many benefits to solo cruising in the RV - you get to stretch out! It was only a matter of time before I needed to take a "Selfie" to send to my friends fighting labor day traffic. The pain is real! 12 Kts on the tail! The Pennsylvania turnpike was at a dead standstill. It looked like there was an accident eastbound in the Lehigh Tunnel. Not a single car was exiting the far side of it. I made it back in 3.5 hours. Nothing special there, because going out was only 3.4 hours! I can't think of a better weekend I've had in a while! For all of those still banging those rivets, believe me, it's all worth it in the end. The RV is a true time machine, that beat the time and money the airlines would of burdened me with.
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |