[July 31, 2016]

Today was a wonderful day in WI. My good friend Elmer has always asked for a ride in my airplane every time I visit in WI. Well, today's timing worked out for me to give him a great RV ride. We took off from Westosha and headed south down the shoreline of Lake Michigan by Chicago. On the way back I handed him the controls and he did a majority of the flying back to Westosha. I think I made his day - all he talked about all day when we were on the lake was his awesome flight. It's great to have something that when shared, brings so much joy to other people, when I consider it just normal.

I spent a little too much time today on the pontoon boat on the lake, and didn't make it to my airplane until about 5pm CDT. I was torn whether to spend another night in WI and make the trip home in the morning, or try it tonight. The weather looked good for most of tonights trip, my only concern was an overcast layer in PA. PA has very few ground lights in the mountainous area, so I was a little concerned about maintaining VFR. I decided to give it a shot - I gave a friend of mine who lives in Cleveland a heads up he might have an unexpected visitor!

The flight home was easy - fly up to Burlington, WI (KBUU) for some cheap gas, then make a more-or-less straight shot home after coming down Lake MI.

The weather today was the best it's been all week. Chicago off my wing.

After I started turning east I had an OK tailwind of 8 kts.

Indiana and OH had some minor storms I needed to swerve around.

The sunset was amazing. The pictures didn't nearly capture how great it was.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - ADS-B radar on my 8 year old GRT screens is just awesome.

Near Western PA I picked up a nice tailwind of 16 kts.

The GRT fuel computer ended up being spot on. I landed at KDMW with exactly 13 gallons of fuel remaining. Can't beat the economy, speed and luxury of traveling from WI to MD for $100 in fuel! This was without a doubt the best Oshkosh trip yet. Great fun with awesome people at Oshkosh, and getting to visit 3 great friends and families along the way.

I was graced with the honor of my Oshkosh 2016 writeup being selected for one of the few headline stories on VansAirForce on 8/9/2016!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024