[September 17, 2016]

In Mid-August I saw there was a Lobster Fly-in in Belfast, Maine (KBST). I quickly called my friend Captain John to see if I could make a run up to Plymouth, MA (KPYM) on Friday night, then we could head up to KBST on Saturday. John was completely in - we had a trip! The weather was just perfect on Friday to make the run up to KPYM. Our plan was to stop at Falmouth (5B6) for some cheap gas, then over to KPYM.

I was making all of these plans for this trip at happy hour (where else would I be??), and my friend Julia asked me about the trip. She seemed interested and volunteered to keep me company for the flights. Julia had never been in a small plane before, and this was quite the commitment for a first trip!

The trip up was very easy with a nice tailwind.

We had a spectacular view of NYC from 7,500'.

This could of been the only cloud we saw in the sky all trip! We made it to KPYM around 7pm where Captain John greeted us, and we went out on the town for a few beverages.

The next morning CJ and I departed PYM in a 2-ship heading up to Belfast.

The coast of Maine had some breathtaking views.

CJ turns 50 this weekend, so the good people at KBST made him a cake along with the other birthday boy, Brent.

CJ and Brent.

The time had come for Julia and I to get our lobsters - two 2 pounders for lunch. The price was great at a little over $16/lobster.

Could be the best coozie ever??

One of the hangars at KBST had an incredible living quarters attached to it.

On the way back from Belfast we were in a 4-ship with Captain John, Noah and Agent Orange. Noah has an APRS transmitter on his plane which captured our trip back to Plymouth (APRS Track

John was lead and he was able to pursuade Boston Center to allow us through the Class Bravo airspace.

John had no idea what we have been planning for weeks - a surprise 50th birthday party waiting for him at KPYM!

Gifts were exchanges, including my mystery "5-pack" of beer.

We took off out of KPYM around 6:45pm to head back. Weather was supposed to be MVFR/IFR on Sunday. The trip back was nice and calm, albeit, we were fighting a 15-20 kts headwind the entire way. Great weekend...Happy 50th, CJ!!

Here are some pics from John, Noah and Agent Orange from the days trip.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024