[February 22, 2016]

It is right about time for the annual inspection to begin on the RV, so I might as well inspect the oil screen as part of this oil change. To my surprise, there was a fair amount of interesting things to see in the oil screen! When I over-tightened my valve covered, causing the silicon gasket to break apart, some of them made it down to the oil screen.

The only notable item in the oil screen was this somewhat large flake of metal.

The oil filter inspection provided a much less dramatic experience. The normal small flakes of metal, and a minor amount of the red silicon gasket material was scattered on the filter element.

I recently discovered the FBO had some decent wifi coverage around the airport, but not in the vicinity of my hangar. I thought it would be great to be able to have better wifi in my hangar to update charts, check weather and stream some music during my work sessions. I found this TP-LINK TL-WA7210N outdoor access-point for less than $70 on Amazon. I made a creative mount out of some PVC fittings, PVC pipe and leftover plastic cutting board to secure it to my hangar roof using the existing screw holes. I was even able to snake some CAT5 wire inside the hangar without any extra holes in the roof.

UPDATE: The TP-LINK TL-WA7210N AP ended up performing extremely poorly. It ended up being completely unusable. Luckily Amazon has a fantastic return policy that I took full advantage of. I ended up replacing the TP-Link unit with a Ubiquiti Networks AirGrid AG-HP-2G16. The unit was roughly the same cost as the TP-LINK device, and it works fabulously. The firmware, mount and performance are all superior. I can't say enough good about how great my experience with this Wireless client is!

I still have some tuning to do, but the initial results look promising from within the hangar!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024