[July 9, 2010]

Wow, over a month since I've worked on the project. In this past month sabbatical, I've been preoccupied with way too much other stuff that has kept me from any possible RV work. Work sent me to Oregon twice (one time for a whole week), my night class has been pretty demanding (2 nights a week) and to top it off, my truck needed a major brake job which ate up an entire weekend. Good news is, however, my class finished up this week, and I am taking all next week off to work on the RV!

Over the past month I've put a few minutes here and there into the project and was able to get the top cowl to the point of priming it to fill in the pinholes. You really have no idea how bad the pinhole situation is until you prime it.

I don't know how well this picture shows it, but this is just a small sample of what the whole top cowl looks like. Pinhole city.

My newest method for trying to fill pinholes is to spray some heavy filling primer into a plastic cup, then use a brush to paint it on the pinholes. It seems to be working OK, and the great thing is any excess I have can be easily cleaned up by an acetone soaked rag. One issue I didn't want to get into with epoxy based filling is I might fill some pinholes, but it would take a lot of time to re-sand everything. The contour of the top cowl is just about perfect, so I don't want to do any extra sanding if I don't have to.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024