[June 7, 2010]

This entry comprises of two days of work. Last night I laid up some 3/4 oz cloth over the rivet lines.

Tonight I sanded the 3/4 oz cloth with 60 grit 3M sandpaper to take off some of the nasty edges left behind from laying the glass. Once that was done, I cleaned everything with an acetone rag and then applied a thin layer of Rage Gold to each line.

After a lot of sanding (using NAPA 100 grit automotive sandpaper with a sanding block), I had a pretty good finish. I had a few spots that were low or had some excessive pinholes, so I put some more filler on them. Hopefully soon I will be able to apply a top layer of primer to see how bad the pinhole situation really is.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024