[May 24, 2010]

Last week I was in Portland, Oregon for work. I knew I was going a few weeks in advance, so I got in touch with local RV-7A builder Bruce Swayze to try to arrange a visit. Although my schedule was a little hectic and last minute, Bruce was able to squeeze me in for a visit. I had a great time visiting with Bruce and chatting about our RV's, other hobbies and life in general. This is the best part of this hobby is meeting builders and RV enthusiasts. They are all great people.

Tonight I had a quick night in the shop with just putting some 2" fiberglass strips over the Archer NAV antenna in the wingtip. I want to bring these to the airport tomorrow and get the nav, landing and taxi lights wired up, along with a bunch of other items on the list.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024