[March 20, 2010]

Wow, a full month without any RV work? I can't believe it either. I have been away on a ski trip and a quick visit to Germany, along with taking midterms and finals for grad school. So it was the perfect timing for nothing to get done on the RV. Today I was the first day in a month where I had the ability to work on the RV all day. I called up a tow truck company the other day to schedule the move for Sunday (tomorrow).

So today I needed to get all the little odds and ends taken care of. I tightened all of the plumbing lines for fuel/oil/prop control forward of the firewall. I also tightened the cable controls for prop/mixture/throttle. I installed the FAB and took care of a ton of little other things like the heating ducts.

Finally today I took a load of crap up to the airport -- tons of hardware, the plenum, prop, etc.. All in all, a very busy day. The truck is schedule to be here tomorrow at 10AM. Looking forward to life after the garage.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024