[November 20, 2009]

I had a quick day in the shop, but got a lot accomplished. I wired up the annunicator lights and labeled them. These lights I purchased from Martin P. Jones and Associates. The stock # for the red ones are 16969 LE. These are LED driven lights which means they will never burn out. Plus at $0.89 each, it was a steal. I labeled them by just printing out labels on normal paper, trimming the paper and installing it within the light assembly.

I ended up with 3 annunicators - EFIS (tied to both screens), ALT (Alternator) (connected directly to the alternator) and ENG (Engine), connected to the Grand Rapids EIS.

I soldered on some extension wires. Since these are LED's they polarity matters on which terminal on the light is positive and negative volts.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024