[November 15, 2009]

One thing I have been meaning to do is make some covers for the back of the F-705 bulkhead where the headset wires are exposed. This is nothing more than some .020" with two bends in it.

And this is where I put it. I installed two nutplates on the inside of this cover and put two #27 holes in the side of the bulkhead to attach it.

It covers the headset and mic jacks perfectly. It isn't super-strong, but it will protect against the occasional item bumped into it.

Next thing on the agenda was to install the audio panel and test the aux input I installed. I connected my Blackberry up to it and the tunes played perfectly. While I couldn't just leave the audio panel along installed, I also put in the rest of the avionics. I need to send in the A210 for a firmware update, and the 430W's fan is making a funny noise. So I will have to address that too. But for now, it really makes the panel look complete.

I don't know why I took so long doing this, but the ELT is now wired up. I think the last system I have to finish up now is the annunciator lights.

It took a lot of willpower to paint tonight, but I knew it needed to be done. I sprayed my two new headset covers.

And the final (hopefully) coat on the map box door and the two blank instrument covers.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024