[June 2, 2008]

I snuck out of work for a few minutes and headed over to Sears to pick up a bearing packer. This is a Lisle good for bearings up to 3.5", and ran about $25 bucks. It worked super for repacking the 4 bearings with AeroShell 5 as recommended by Vans.

Next I covered the inside of the tire with Talcum power. This is to assist getting the inner tube in

Doh! Look at the top of this tire. Looks like someone took a packing knife to it! I will call up Van's tomorrow to hopefully get a free replacement. I know I didn't slash it.

I spent a majority of tonight working on this doubler on the firewall. This will have two nutplates for the current limiter base and another nutplate for the mounting of the ammeter shunt. I will go into more detail on this tomorrow when I installed it.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024