[April 24, 2008]

Another night with little progress on the RV. My truck needed a new brake caliper, so that took a few hours out of the evening. While I was at work, I got my expected delivery of the Sam James shorty cowl via ABF. I was expecting a much more substantial package than what I got - a 35 pound cardboard box!

I drilled the top skin with #50 holes. I decided to use #50 because if I used #40, the #30 plexiglass drill would of not centered perfectly with the aft canopy underneith of it. With the #50 hole, the edge of the #30 plexi bit sits nicely on the hole with a piece of plexi behind it. The basic idea is to keep the plexi bit centered better to prevent any possible walking.

I also drilled the aft end of the rollbar to #40.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024