[June 10, 2008]

So I am finally getting around to riveting the top of the F-705 bulkhead on. Why did I wait so long? Well, the thick angle behind here interferes with three rivets on the aft top skin. Doing it in this order allows you to drive solid rivets.

Here are the three rivets I was talking about that would be impossible to buck.

Next I riveted on the aft and forward canopy decks. Most of these could be easily bucked or squeezed with the longeron yoke.

These two rivets I couldn't get with traditional bucking bars. I ended up barely bucking these rivets. I am not happy with how the shop head turned out, but I am happier that they are not blink rivets. I don't think two bad rivets are going to make the plane fall out of the sky do you?



Last Modified: June 24, 2024