[November 25, 2007]

I spent a bunch of time painting all of these interior parts. The finish is probably the best I have been able to achieve so far.

I also primed the inside of the top two skins with AKZO.

And the related stiffeners, ribs, gussets, etc.. that go with it.

Finally I riveted the angle to the aft of the top rib that goes between the F-706 to 707 bulkheads.

The next thing on the "to do" list is to mate the wings and mount the empennage. I am going to skin the wign mating until my finish kit arrives because it contains the root wing fairings that I will need to install. Seems that Van's should put these in the fuselage kit, but who am I one to tell Van's what to do. I could mount the empennage now, but I am going to wait for a little on that as well. I am going to skip ahead and work on the pushrods for the control columns next and then the rollbar. Once all of that is done, then I will get the empennage mounted up.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024