[November 24, 2007]

Two days ago (Thanksgiving) was the two year anniversary of the project. 975 hours in two years (but only 18 months of working on the project) gives me an average of 55 hours per month worked.

I finished wiping down every part with acetone today to get all of the dust and oil off of them. One thing I wanted to bang out was getting the louvers on the forward cover bent. Hand seamers didn't seem to want to work because they interfered. With a little playing around, I used the hand seamers to clamp some scrap sheet and angle to, kind of extending the effects of the seamers.

And here is the end result. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

I couldn't paint today because it was too cold. The temps never made it out of the 30's. Tomorrow is supposed to be around 55, so that will be perfect for shooting some paint. With some time on my hands, I took off the top skins from the fuse and prepped them for paint. Might as well get all of this out of the way tomorrow.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024