[November 5, 2007]

Before I could install the baggage floors, I needed to drill the removable panels I made to them and install the nutplates. Today was a big nutplate day.....36 total installed. I used to mind putting them in, but now its a nice break. Go figure.

Riveting the floor on was trivial. I am so glad I have a pneumatic rivet puller. It made the job a walk in the park

I was worried I made the hole in the left floor too forward, and there would be interference with the flap mechanism. I tossed in the flap bad to check it out. Looks like I should be fine!

While installing the nutplates that go between the baggage floor flange and the F-706 bulkhead, I noticed the one-legged nutplates interfere. I solved that issue by grinding down one side enough to make it fit snugly.

Since I had the forward gussets painted, I riveted them onto the longerons/firewall.

Next I worked on the removable cover that goes over the flap pushrod. This needs to be trimmed a little before it goes on.

Once I tested the fit, I installed the two nutplates on the bottom. I got a lot done tonight...I hope to keep the momentum rollin' all week.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024