[October 22, 2007]

Yeah, I know it's been almost a week since I have worked on the project. Well, I have a good excuse why - I picked up my engine! Also, this afternoon I had EAA Technical Counselor Bill Rodgers come over and do an inspection. He found one rivet on the aft deck that had a smile too close to the center of the rivet. He also wanted to see me try to pound 3 rivets a little more where the baggage ribs are attached to the F-706 bulkhead. He seemed to be impressed with the quality of my work, and I am happy he just found those easy-to-fix items.

Anyways, back on the project tonight I fit the elevator bellcrank. Dumb Dumb me made the original spacers out of tubing that had an inner diameter for a AN3 bolt, when a AN4 bolt is used, so I needed to remake them.

I also needed to trip one of the sides of the stiffeners that go under these top skins. Once that was done I started to cleco on the aft top skin.

Before you can cleco on the skin for good, you need to mark where the bottom 3 holes will be on the F-710 bulkhead are. These aren't pre-punched for some reason.

Here's the reason you need to mark them and then take the skin off - because you need to know where the holes will be so you can accurately flute this flange. You can see how nasty the curve on the flange is.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024