[May 21, 2007]

I had a nice break from the project over the weekend. A 6 hours drive each way out to Cleveland reminded me why I am building this plane. A rough calculation shows it would of taken me about 1.5 hours each way in the RV, and costing me less than my truck did.

The mission for tonight is to get the j-stiffeners drilled to the fuse. I did the longer ones first. The only challenge here was in the very aft part where you need to drill the two skins to the stiffener. The only way I could get everything aligned was to remove the clecoes between the side skins and the rear 2 bulkheads. Then I used a large clamp to pull everything together. Things turned out OK. I got a little better results by starting at the aft and working forward on these stiffeners.

After a lot of drilling, I got all 4 stiffeners drilled. All I have left to do is match drill the skins together and the bulkheads.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024