[May 18, 2007]

Yesterday I met up with local RV-7 builder Bill Rogers to buy his excess AKZO. His plane is pretty much done and I took the opportunity to buy his 80% full cans of AKZO. It worked out great for both of us -- he got money and I saved Hazmat charges. I definitely have enough to finish the project now.

I also got a tungsten bucking bar today. I haven't put it to use yet, but I have heard great things about them. I went with Dan's bucking bar because it seemed to be a good size compared to the other ones. My biggest concern was the other ones were too skinny, giving me only a 1/2" bucking face in certain orientations. Dan's was also $20 cheaper than anyone else.

This thing fits perfectly in my hand. Its amazing how heavy this thing is.

Lastly, I "tipped the canoe" so to speak. I had issues holding everything just right with the aft fuselage sitting rightside up. I should of done this a while ago. It leveled out right away and it has nowhere to go. Too bad I am going away now for the weekend.

Lastly, I called a local powdercoating company yesterday to get a quote on powdercoating the tailwheel mount. Turns out the company does all of the powdercoating for my company, so hopefully I can sneak in a discount of some sort.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024