[May 1, 2007]

No real work on the project tonight. I was busy all evening fixing a computer to make some coin to fund this project. However, a day never goes by without some sort of progress being made on the plane. While at working and browsing through other builders websites during my frequent breaks (hey, if smokers can go have a smokey treat every 5 minutes, I can do some R&D!) and stumbled across someone installing the autopilot pitch servo mounting brackets in this phase of construction. It gets mounted on the bottom rib that connects the F-706 and F-707 bulkheads. Anyways, I called up SteinAir and ordered up the bracket. It was an expensive bracket - $50 plus shipping, but how I understand it is when you order the servo, you get $50 off. So you basically pay for shipping to get it. I know I am committing myself to TruTrak, but that is OK by me. They have the best integrated packages out there today with a bunch of options. It could be a long long time before I add the pitch capability, but I wanted to get the bracket done with.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024