[April 22, 2007]

I spent all day digging a 40' ditch that was about 2' deep in my backyard for burying a drainage pipe. Needless to say, I was exhausted after that little project. I found some energy later on in the night to work on the project.

I was scratching my head on to how to hold the top and sides together as I drilled the angle. Kind of hard to see here, but if you are building one of these things, you know what I am talking about. I used carpet tape to line the top and the sides up. while I drilled. It worked great.

Next I used a dremel to make the oblong hole. It turned out OK.

I figured it has been a long time since I have been in a pic, so I got a shot of me and the bulkhead.

Next I needed to countersink the spar doubler. A flush rivet is called for here because it sits under the lap attachment bracket. Because of the curve in the doubler, the countersink cage didn't sit flat.

Next I drilled out the holes for the manual trim and optional electrical run. I am using electric trim, but I did both holes for possible future expansion. One thing I noticed was if you drill the hole where Van's calls for it, the edge distance is about 1/32" off. I drilled the holes a little below the where Van's called for it and I got all my edge distances right on.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024