[April 9, 2007]

I started working on the bottom skins tonight. I followed Van's instructions and did the rear spar rivets over the inboard 4 ribs. My first issue was the wing cradle kept on rolling around on me. About 2 seconds into trying to figure out how to fix it, I realized that I bought the wheels with locks on them. Locked all 4 wheels and the cradle wasn't going anywhere!

The outboard rib can be squeezed, so I skipped over that one. The next inboard one was somewhat easy to do. The next one in was another story. Getting those first few rivets where the arrow points was quite a chore. I was only able to bang out these two tonight before it got too late to let the rivet gun wale. On the inboard rib I marked off with electrical tape where you aren't supposed to rivet. My dad is coming over tomorrow night to return some tools and I will con him into helping me hopefully bang out the rest of this skin.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024