[April 6, 2007]

I started today by finishing up the last few things I need to do before closing up the wings. First on the list was to rivet on the flap braces. Nothing hard about this other than some fancy bucking around the inboard ribs.

Next was to put proseal on each conduit hole. In Van's conduit guide (pdf in their construction faq section) they recommend using fuel tank sealant or RTV to prevent the possibility of the ribs to wear through the conduit, do to vibrations. I used ProSeal instead of RTV because I had a ton of proseal left over - almost a quart.

OK, the right wing is ready to have its bottom skins put on. I am still waiting for my Dynon heated pitot tube to show up before I do the left wing. Actually, I can do the inboard skin on the left skin. I need to start recruiting riveting partners to finish these guys up.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024