[March 12, 2007]

EAA Technical Counselor, Bill Rogers, stopped by this afternoon. He took a good thorough look at my wings and then was very open to me pointing out things that I had questions on. As we were BSing about RV's and general construction techniques he found two rivets on the main skin - spar - rib flange rivets that fell over to the side when riveted. These were a real pain to get with the double offset backrivet set, and I should of just shot and bucked them normally. He said that these could pose a problem because over time they could rotate and "smoke" the hole (rotate and enlarge). He said that I could keep them as they were and just keep an eye on it during annuals, but I will drill them out and not worry about it. Overall I couldn't be happier with the results.

I highly recommend Bill to anyone in the area as a TC for their RV. For me he is the perfect candidate because his plane is identical to mine (RV-7, tailwheel, tipup) so he has been there and knows all of the issues with building it.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024