[October 13, 2006]

A few of the rivets were standing a bit too tall for me in the countersunk holes for the fuel tank nutplates so I took them out, countersunk, reprimed and reriveted. Only took a few minutes, but I feel a lot better about all of them now.

I also cut a #8 screw short to test the screw countersinks tomorrow. On Brad Olivers website (rv7project.com) he has the recommended countersink outer diameters for #6 and #8 screws:

#8: 0.365" - 0.375" (Fuel Tank Screws) #6: < 0.3125" (Inspection Panel Screws)

I put a #8 screw in the drill press and used a file to get rid of the threads, then a hacksaw to cut it short. Worked well

The blury end result. I figured it was worth the 5 minutes of work to get something to test my work with.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024