[February 26, 2006]

This morning I woke up with a big RV worry on my mind. I didn't like how one line of rivets turned out on my leading edge of the right elevator. The skins didn't meet up very nicely on the inside. I don't know why I didnt fix it at the time I saw it, but it concerned me. My main concern was that the rivets would break in flight and cause my elevator to jam. Yeah, not a good thing.

So, I drilled out 7 blind rivets and did some rebending. I think that Van's manual cautioned on drilling out blind rivets because they enlarge the hole significantly. I did a #40 hole on the CS-4 rivet first, then a #30 and the thing came off very nicely. The holes were distored a hell of a lot more when drilling out solid rivets. I rebend the one edge of the skin and clecoed everything back together. I am much happier with how it looks now. I will let this sit overnight in case I change my mind again....

I use a lot of duct tape to get everything aligned for the leading edges.

The leading edge re clecoed.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024