[February 24, 2006]

Nothing all too exciting going on with the project recently. I rolled the edge of the right elevator tonight. It turned out looking nice!

I also started to think about reserving a number for my RV. I have had a dry spell of RV building for the last few weeks. I have tried to start getting some tailwheel training but the gusty winds havent agreed with my training schedule. Anyways, the FAA has a website that you can do searches on (http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/defimg.asp). The N-Number Availability function works pretty nicely, but it doesn't let me do all the searches that I needed. So I rolled my own program that interfaces to the FAA websites and downloads all available tailnumbers to an excel spreadsheet. After some eliminations, I have a list of 5 that I am sending into the FAA this week to get reserved. I will let the cat out of the bag when I get the official word back.

I also want to get this process under way so I can start paying use tax on my plane. Back in the good old days, builders could pretty much get away with paying no or minimal tax on their projects. Nowadays, if you register your built plane, the FAA tells you how much your plane is worth, and you have to argue against it - Basic government scare technique. I have got the advice to register it ahead of time and let them know how much you are spending on it. Plus, it divides the tax payments up over a few years. Makes sense to me.

The leading edge rolled and clecoed. You start with #40 holes, cleco, enlage, debur, recleco with #30's, then rivet.

The seem turned out very tight. I ended up riveting also tonight. No pics...



Last Modified: June 24, 2024