[December 4, 2022]

I am working on another panel upgrade that causes me to need a second Grand Rapids ARINC module. They are $500 on the GRT site, but I put a feeler out on the Vans Air Force (VAF) classifieds to see if anyone had one.

After a couple of days I got a bite! RV-8 Mike from N.E. Pennsylvania had one and we made a deal. Now delivery! He offered to fly it to me, but why should he have all the fun? So we decided to meet in the middle at Lancaster, PA (KLNS) and grab some lunch.

It was a pretty day to fly, low winds on the ground, but pretty bumpy up at 3,500'

Mike was a stellar guy. While KLNS has a fabulous restaurant, we decided to get some steps in and walk to the Knight & Day Diner. Food and service was spectacular. I ended up having a few items Mike could benefit from, so we have another lunch in our future.

And here is what I was after, a second ARINC-429 module. What a great way to make a new friend.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024