[May 20, 2021]

The K&N air filter is known to shrink over time. This one is probably 4 year old, and it was shrunken to the point that it wasn't fitting snug anymore in the airbox. Time for a new one - $46.99 on Amazon for K&N p/n E-3450.

How much did it shrink? This is the difference with the old one sitting on top of the new one.

As a more scientific study, I cut the old one to see exactly the difference

Looks to be roughly 7/8" or so. The new one fit perfectly snug in the airbox. So far, besides oil and filter, this is my only expense with the 2021 annual.

I couldn't readily find these pictures for a friend, but this is the reinforcement I made for the front of the Filtered Airbox (FAB) a few years ago. It has 100% eliminated any cracks I was finding.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024