[January 10, 2021]

I had a great first flight of 2021. My RV9A buddy seeded the idea of flying up to Deck(9D4) and then over to Reigle (58N) - both new airports to me. Also, I decided to fly into Donegal Springs (N71) and Lazy B (0P8) just for fun - two more new airports. 1.5 hours in the air, 5 landings, 4 new airports.

My fuel flow sensor has started to malfunction. No way I was actually getting 0.1 GPH at 75% power. But look at those MPG's and range! Look out Richard Branson, my EFIS said I can make it around the globe! And still have 6,000 miles of gas!

The pattern was empty at the airport, so I decided to lay some smoke down for my buddy Steve who just landed. With nearly no wind, it certainly lingered for quite some time. Great kickoff to 2021 flying!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024