[November 9, 2019]

It's the most magical time of the year -- Mitchapalooza! For those of you not in the know, Mitchapalooza is the ultimate bar crawl that happens annually roughly the second week in November to celebrate my good friends birthday weekend.

The trip up was beyond CAVU. Perfect view of the Delaware river and the Atlantic ocean.

My friend Julia graciously accepted to accompany me. Clearly she is completely engaged with all of the amazing facts of the highlights of our trip up.

28Kts on the tail! heck yeah! I love going east.

A blurry 195 kts.

I went up to 13.5, which dictates the PIC needs to have O2 but not passengers. Sorry, Jules!?!

Over the Coatsville, PA nuke plant.

Boom, 200 kts.

13.5 with 45 kts on the tail.

Beautiful day over Long Island.

Jules is missing out on the amazing views.

Descending near Mystic, CT. Amazing town, never-ending fun parties downtown.

And what we all have been waiting for - the Mitchapalooze bar crawl in downtown Plymouth, MA. Mitch has a history of singing with the band at Main Street every year, if he remembers it or not....

My good friend Jamie showed up!

And it isn't a Mitchapalooze without a kitten mustache from Rabecca.

Last suitable pic of the night - Myself, Eva, Jason, Jules and Jamie. Fun night at Pilory!?!

The morning after Mitchapalooze always happens sooner than we want it to. Over Providence at 4,500'

And per normal going west, bucking a substantial headwind.

Ugh, 124 kts GS. This is not #RVLife.

Albeit a headwind, it was nice smooth air headed home.

We clew over two Poconos ski slopes headed home. I think this is Camelback?

And this one is Blue Mountain? Blue is always easy to spot because the parking is at the top of the mountain. let's hope for an amazing 2019-20 ski season!!!!!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024