[April 22, 2020]

I was having no luck getting my GTN650 to lock on to any satellites. I decided to take the RV for a quick flight today to see if being airborne would help out at all. While in the run-up area, I was able to get a lock on multiple satellites.

That excitement was quickly extinguished by losing all satellites. I decided to take the RV up anyways just to knock the dust off of it.

Shortly after takeoff the GTN650 grabbed satellites and I decided to shoot the practice RNAV 16 approach to give the GPS a workout. It worked flawlessly to the ground. I have a new internal battery on the way, so we will see what that does. Part of me also thinks it could be the antenna. Maybe something temperature related, as the antenna seemed to work better the warmer it got? Just a theory of course.

Back to work on the annual inspection. I inspected both wings and started the aft fuselage inspection. I only got through greasing the reassembling the tailwheel. I did find two light burrs on the tailwheel key, which I filed out and made smooth with some sandpaper and scotchbrite pads. All that remains is completing the aft fuselage and inspecting the cabin.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024