[April 20, 2020]

As I mentioned before, I have had some minor electrical gremlins lately - intermittent low voltage indication, my GRT PFD's screen encountered some interference and my GTN650 rebooted shortly after takeoff. Just to be on the safe side, I decided to replace my isolation diodes. The diode on the left is an IXYS DSS 2x51-0045A, and on the right is the IXYS DSS 2x61-045A. I cannot find ANY documentation on the original 2x51. Nothing. No datasheets. Zip, zero, nada. It's like it never existed.

Replacing these was just terrible. Access was awful, as they were located between the glove box and the upper skin, forward of the subpanel. My neck has been sore for 2 days after replacing these!

I did a run-up of the engine and the slick mag had excessive drop. It took me a few minutes to realize I timed it to 20 degrees BTDC instead of 25. Another note to add to the annual checklist. It's so easy to forget these things...

Because I have been having GPS issues with my GTN lately, I decided to re-terminate the TNC connector.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024