[June 22, 2019]

I linked up with a pilots club out of Leesburg VA which has monthly flyouts to fun locations. The Smokehouse Pilots Club (Facebook only) is a great group of active pilots which plan fun places to fly out to. Today was my first trip with them - destination Cape May, NJ (KWWD). I have only ever been to Cape May once - many many many years ago when I used to fly a 152 out of W29.

My friend Jim was going to meet up with me mid-air around KFDK. As I was meandering around the area an interesting graphic of a line of yellow squares appeared on my ADS-B radar on my EFIS's. Also, you can see Jim's RV on ADS-B to my right.

Jim and I met up and flew a loose formation over to WWD. As you can see, it was a spectacular day.

We had quite the crew show up at WWD - nearly 20 pilots and passengers. We arranged ground transportation to Lucky Bones Back Water Grille. We had a great meal and then headed back to the airport.

Cape May Brewing Company was within a stone's throw of the airport. It certainly wouldn't hurt to stop by?

$50 later I had a growler filled, a 4-pack of Devil's Reach Belgian Style Ale (8.6%!), and a new t-shirt.

Another great RV day! I am looking forward to future flyouts with the Smokehouse group.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024