[July 24, 2018]

Next to the Draco, the second coolest airplane at Oshkosh had to be the Yak-110. Sure...why not put two Yak-55's together and add a jet engine?!?!!?

I rarely get allured into the non-aviation side-shows, but the Ford drift demonstration was pretty cool. I couldn't help but feel, however, that the little concrete barrier wasn't enough protection between me and those cars if something went awry.

I took my GTX327 transponder in to get upgraded to the latest firmware. It was a piece of cake and took only 10 minutes. Thanks, Garmin for doing this!

It was really cool to stop by the One Week Wonder every day to see the progress the team of builders was making.

Well this is unique - a tri-engine 757 - with a turbofan. Pretty cool test platform from Honeywell.

The Boeing B-1B is where it's supposed to be - in the middle of Aeroshell Square.

the 310kts Jet-EZ.

Today was overall a relaxing day. I continued on the relaxation with my friend Jeff in camp Scholler. He caught a rare pic of me - consuming a non-alcoholic beverage at Osh!

Great to catch up with Jeff!

Jeff calls Captain John and I "Beavis and Butthead". Can't really argue with him after I reflect upon my Oshkosh behavior!

While at Jeff's camp, we saw the T6 Texan flyover commemorating the T6's 80th anniversary.

"Beavis" and I were clearly having too much fun as we were interrupted by the neighboring local Sheriff. His complaint was we needed to drink better quality booze than what Jeff was offering us! So off to his RV I went to sample some fine single malt scotch.

Besides catching up with Jeff, the main reason for meeting up with him was to catch a ride to the best prime rib joint - The Black Otter Supper Club in Hortonville, WI. Jeff was kind enough to offer us a ride in his Chevy Suburban - the "Queen of the Fleet". This is the most comfort Captain John and I have experienced since we got to Oshkosh. CJ quickly took advantage of the best sleep he'll have all week.

Meanwhile, Mitch decided to skip out of the best meal of his life to assist his friend Pablo arriving to help tie down the One Design he helped get flying.

Mitch also got a pic of the Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy arriving. What can I say, my photographer is dedicated to staying behind to do his job while all of us get ready for our meat coma!

And now onto the official 2018 "Meating" of RivetBangers.com. Yes, I know no one uses this forum except for one exceptional reason to keep it alive - 20-30 of us getting together and eating mass quantities of prime rib. Mike C took the gold medal with his 72 oz King Cut!

We had quite the showing this year - 23 of us!

I've learned from past mistakes, and was wise this year and kept with the reasonable 32oz Queen Cut.

BOOM! This is what I am most proud of....for the second year in a row we have single-handedly cleaned out the Black Otter of Prime Rib!

The lax security made it possible for us to restock our depleted beer supply at camp.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024