[July 23, 2018]

Monday morning we awoke to a perfect Wisconsin sunrise.

I upgraded to a different solar charger this year which I placed on my tent - a SOKOO 22W 5V 2-Port USB Portable Foldable Solar Charger (SOKOO FSC-22). This solar panel is very lightweight and has two USB plugs on it. I used it to top off my battery packs in the tent during the day. WORKED GREAT! A much better and lighter solution than I have used in years past.

My friend Mitch went on an early morning walk around the Oshkosh grounds and spotted this interesting tie-down technique on this One-Design. Let's just say I'm happy I wasn't parked near this guy...

I'd love to know the purpose of these "training wheels" on this One-Design...

For a second year in a row the sleep B-1B made an appearance.

Unfortunately for the B-1B, Mike Patey's turboprop STOL Wilga stole the show.

While the P&W PT-6 turbine on the front of it might impress some, the massive tailwheel off the tail made this really stand out.

"Doc" with a plethora of RV's in Aeroshell Square.

It's difficult to hide from my celebrity status at Oshkosh. Dave from Jamestown, NY is a big fan of RVPlane.com.

The AirCam always catches my eye.

I did a quick run through the vendor booths and caught up with my good friend Andre at Aerotronics.

And onto one of my favorite Monday events - the RV Beer Social. Always good to see Jeff with Vertical Power.

Frank Smidler and I wondering where his son Derek is? Hope to see you next year, Derek!

The RV Social was fun as always, with a great showing of RV'ers.

I've never partaken in the Monday night concert at Oshkosh. Maddie & Tay and Dustin Lynch were performing tonight. I figured I'd check them out.

Best seats in the house??? Watching the concert on the wing off the B-1B!

Dustin Lynch put on an excellent show!

While the concert was going on, behind us the hot air balloons were being inflated.

The key to surviving Oshkosh is to stay hydrated! the 1.5L bladder in my Osprey backpack worked great. Oh, and so did the free hat I scored at Mike Goulian's both!

The evening is still young, and there's one last party that I wanted to hit up - SOS Brothers with some live music.

I was trying my best to be on good behavior this year. Last year I succeeded in avoiding any beer bongs. However, this year I jumped right back into my old ways as I couldn't resist the lovely Kim.

What can I say, I'm a bad influence on the new blood. Mitch is getting psyched for his first SOS Bikini Beer Bong.

Cheers to my New England friends - Captain John, Derek and Marc!

Hyde never disappoints! Great band to open the Oshkosh week with!

An incredible first full day at Oshkosh. I love this place.

Another night at SOS means another attempt to squeeze through the locked gate.




Last Modified: June 24, 2024