[April 13, 2018]

Peter and I really had a full day yesterday. After the show, we met up with some friends (names kept anonymous to protect the guilty!) for a fun evening of chicken wings, costume parties, beer swaps, and beer tastings. We awoke a little "crunchy" to a beautiful Florida sunrise.

We were in no rush this morning so we set up our chairs in front of the airplane and watched the incoming and leaving traffic pass by us.

Our EAA chapter president was boogieing out this morning. We caught this late pic of his beautiful RV-9A.

This was an incredible Glasair Sportsman 2 2 at HBC. The picture doesn't do it justice of how amazing the paint job is.

Off to the vendor hangars to see what's new and exciting. UAvionix had their echoESX ADS-B In/Out extended-squitter transponder displayed. (Their full flyer here: SNF2018_uAvionixFlyer.pdf). Very capably and at a decent price-point.

When Grand Rapid Technologies announced their Safe-Fly 2020 ADS-B Compliant GPS Module a couple of years ago, I knew they had other uses for it beyond an ADS-B compliant GPS source. This year confirmed my belief - GRT announced they had IFR Approach Option for their HX/HXr EFIS's using their 2020 GPS(Their full flyer here: SNF2018_GRT_IFR_Approach.pdf). I am not going to comment on the legality of using this system compared to a certified unit such as a GNS430W or GTN650 (the flyer covers this somewhat). However, for a backup NAV source in case there was a failure in certified box unequivocally adds additional safety to instrument flying.

I snagged a couple of pics off their website of some screenshots of their new capabilities.

EarthX had a really novel 1.4 Lbs 400 CCA "Jump Pack" (https://earthxbatteries.com/shop/earthx-jump-pack) for jumping your airplane/ATV/Boat/Car/etc. At $100 (show special pricing), it's quite the good insurance policy for those traveling to remote locations.

The Kitfox S7 Speedster gave quite the show during Friday's airshow.

Peter just got into flying those contraptions consisting of "1,000 moving parts, all moving in opposition to each other, each with the common goal to kill you". So I entertained his desire to visit the Safari Helicopter booth.

Turning 40 recently has come with it's benefits - afternoon siesta's!

We were treated with an amazing Friday sunset.

And not to outdo the sunset...but Maryjane and her crew prepared one heck of a steak dinner! Some of us in the front of the line clearly over-served themselves to leave those int he back of the line with little-to-no sides.

The irreplaceable Maryjane and her granddaughter. She's the real reason I keep on coming back to SNF. Her and her crew's hospitality is incredible to a bunch of homebuilders. She redefines what it means to roll out the red carpet.

I don't think a picture better describes home-built Camping at SNF. Airplanes. The perfect sunset. Tranquility. Maryjane's trailer (Why's it smaller this year, MJ????). And off in the distance, the never-ending bottomless beers under the HBC tent.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024