[January 14, 2018]

Just what every good RV pilot needs on a cold Sunday - Gatorade, an organic banana, a brand new ADS-B box and instruction manuals as their co-pilot. I recently sold an extra uAvionix EchoUAT ADS-B transceiver to someone located in New Jersey. I offered free shipping, and this was the delivery mechanism!

Chilly day out, but the engine seemed happy with me!

Drop off was a complete success. Coming back I snapped a few pics of the bay - noticeably thawed out from a mere 7 days ago.

I was almost too warm in the RV today. The sun really baked you in the bubble canopy. Would of UPS or FedEx of been cheaper? You bet! Would it of been more fun? Hell no! Another great RV ride. So far I am 3/3 for getting up in the RV every weekend this year!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024